Coalition II

The Coalition wrapped up its meeting today with everyone having a chance to add their ideas to everyone else’s ideas and a think tank-style discussion. Overall, we shared some ideas we are passionate about, and we also rehashed some of the challenges and roadblocks that have been encountered. The good news is the challenges seem to be less salient and/or less intimidating to the Coalition, and there is optimism that we will be able to move forward with defining sport psychology and graduate training. One of the resources for defining sport psychology was created by Steve Portenga and others (including me) and can be found here (click on Defining the Practice of Sport & Performance Psychology).

Coalition for Training in Sport Psychology

I spent the day today as a participant in the 2nd meeting of the Coalition for the Advancement of Graduate Training an Applied Sport Psychology (I didn’t come up with the title). It was gratifying to see the presence and influence of the University of Denver Sport & Performance Psychology Program there with fellow faculty Artur Poczwardowski and alum Dolores Christensen participating today and several other DU faculty and alum members of the Coalition.

We are working to resolve the longstanding questions of what appropriate training and preparation for the practice of sport psychology consists of, and what will these practitioners be called?

Thus far, we have made some progress, and it will be interesting to see where things end up at the end of the meeting tomorrow.